Emissions Reduction
Economic Growth
Emissions Reduction Target
Renewable Energy Target
Emissions by Source
Electricity Mix
In December 2016, Boulder City Council formally adopted goals to guide Boulder’s climate action efforts, including reducing community-wide greenhouse gas emissions 80% from 2005 levels by 2050; reducing emissions from city operations 80% below 2008 levels by 2030; and achieving 100% renewable electricity community-wide by 2030. All part of the city’s Climate Commitment document, the adopted goals also include progress indicators and targets for local renewable energy generation, energy efficiency, electric vehicle adoption and waste and water reductions for key milestone years.
In 2018, Boulder will continue to implement and improve core climate and energy programs including its Building Performance Ordinance for efficiency in commercial and industrial buildings, updating energy codes, SmartRegs rental housing efficiency requirements, one-on-one business and residential advising and reducing landfill emissions through the implementation of the Universal Zero Waste Ordinance.
The development of a Climate Action Plan will provide an actionable roadmap for the next five years in the areas of energy, resources and ecosystems. In 2018, staff is focused on implementation innovative strategies related to local solar development and electric vehicle adoption, as well as exploring alternative and additional pricing mechanisms and revenue sources for future climate work. Pilot projects are underway to increase resilient energy infrastructure and support the conversion of residential natural gas-based appliances to renewable-ready electric appliances, in addition to innovative community projects to reduce emissions through the Boulder Energy Challenge.
In Nov. 2017, Boulder voters passed measure 2L to continue funding the city’s municipalization efforts. The city will continue to work towards forming its own locally owned utility, which is the primary strategy for achieving a 100% renewable electricity supply.
Boulder will maintain its engagement of the community on the topic of climate action, including its partnership on the Boulder.Earth climate action website and work with community groups, like local faith communities, in addition to engagement related to municipalization.