Environmental Strategy and Action Plan 2016-2021

Green Environmental Sustainability Progress Reports

Planning For Net Zero Energy Buildings

Climate Emergency Response

Environmental Support & Funding

Sustainable Sydney 2030

By 2021, the City of Sydney will reduce emissions in its operations by 44 per cent from 2006 levels and move to 50 per cent renewable energy. And across the local government area, we have set targets for 50 per cent renewables by 2030, 70 per cent reduction in 2006 greenhouse gas emissions levels by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050.
The City of Sydney has a strong track record. The City’s operations became carbon neutral in 2007 and were the first government in Australia certified as such in 2011. Since 2006, the organisation’s greenhouse gas emissions have reduced by 25 per cent and emissions across the local government area have reduced by 19 per cent amid strong growth in population and worker numbers – with a 41 per cent reduction in ‘carbon intensity’ (emissions per unit of GDP).
The City empowers Sydney’s business, resident and visitor communities to take environmental action through range of targeted programs – Better Building Partnership, CitySwitch Green Office and Smart Green Apartments. The City also offers environmental grants.
The City of Sydney local area covers 26.15 square metres and is a vital economic hub and tourism gateway for Australia. It is home to more than 20,000 businesses and 210,000 residents and supports 1.2 million residents, workers, visitors and students every day.