Carbon Free DC

Climate Ready DC Plan

Clean Energy DC Plan

Solar in DC
Solar Stories
Clean Energy DC
We Are Washington DC

Green Building Reports

Recognizing that climate change is already impacting Washington, DC, the city is taking steps to prepare for change through its Climate Ready DC plan. At the same time, DC is committed to reducing its own contribution to the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change. In December 2017, Washington, DC pledged to become carbon neutral by 2045. In order to get started now to achieve that goal, DC has developed Clean Energy DC, a roadmap to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2032 by cutting energy use and increasing the use of renewable energy.
Washington, DC has made great progress on clean energy. The District Government made the largest direct purchase of wind power by an American city government in 2015. There are more ENERGY STAR certified buildings in the Washington, DC area than any other metro area in the USA. Innovative programs save residents and businesses energy, and provide the benefits of local solar energy to low-income residents. However, DC knows it must do much more to reduce, and ultimately eliminate, our contribution to greenhouse gas emissions.
Clean Energy DC lays out a set of actions that the District Government, local businesses, and residents can take over the next fifteen years to dramatically reduce their contribution to climate change. The plan identifies best practices and innovative strategies to reduce emissions from buildings, energy supply, and transportation, using a measurable roadmap. Taking these actions will make the District more innovative, sustainable, and resilient.