CNCA mobilizes transformative climate action by funding the development, adoption and implementation of game-changing climate policies in cities.
The window to take action is rapidly narrowing. If we don’t move more quickly, and at scale, we won’t halve emissions by 2030 and completely eliminate them by 2050 or sooner. By focusing on game-changing policies and inviting proposals from cities around the world, CNCA’s Game Changer Fund will help build cities for the 22nd Century – cities that will not only survive climate impacts but thrive far into the future.
In 2021, CNCA launched the Game Changer Fund to support the development, adoption and implementation of policies that aggressively shift the fundamental attributes of the systems that have caused the climate crisis toward carbon neutrality. To do this, CNCA:
- Determines the policy actions eligible for funding over the next three years through a member-driven process;
- Prioritizes projects that address root causes and systems-change approaches;
- Integrates climate justice and just transition goals into funding criteria;
- Makes funding decisions in Game Changer Committees composed of leading cities and global thought leaders;
- Continues to prioritize funding for CNCA members, but will open funding to other cities and Indigenous Peoples governments around the world;
- Maintains a smaller pot of funding for emerging topics; and
- Enhances peer learning and lesson-sharing channels for funded projects.
CNCA’s membership has identified five categories of policies on which the Fund will focus in its inaugural three-year period, and the sub-categories to be prioritized in each. CNCA calls these “Game Changers”.
The Fund awarded its first round of funding in May 2021 for the category of Regenerative Systems and Economies, its second round in May 2022 for Decarbonizing Transport, and its third round in January 2024 to Transform Food Systems. RFPs for the other Game Changer categories will be released as funding becomes available.
Click on the links below for more information about the theory of change, funding priorities and targeted outcomes for each Game Changer.

Decarbonizing Buildings & Renewable Energy
Decarbonizing Buildings & Renewable Energy
- Renewable Energy: Increased uptake of distributed & utility-scale renewable energy systems
- Energy Efficiency: Deep energy efficiency retrofits of existing buildings
- Building Electrification: Electrification of buildings, especially moving away from fossil gas

Decarbonizing Transport
Decarbonizing Transport
- Transport Electrification: Wide-scale adoption of zero-emission mobility
- Congestion Pricing: Implementation of congestion pricing programs
- Parking Reform & Ultra Low Emission Zones: Parking reform & the implementation of ULEZ’s to dramatically reduce the use of fossil-fueled vehicles & congestion
- Zero Emission Freight: Moving toward zero-emission freight, especially in ports and last-mile deliveries

Regenerative Systems & Economies
Regenerative Systems & Economies
- Embodied Carbon: Dramatically reducing embodied carbon in the built environment
- Carbon Drawdown: The use of nature-based solutions to draw down carbon from the atmosphere
- Consumption-based Emissions: Reducing consumption-based emissions
- Resource Recovery & Circular Economy: Getting to zero waste, especially eliminating food waste and plastics from the waste stream

Transformative Governance
Transformative Governance
- Carbon Budgets: Adoption of ”carbon budgets” that account for GHGs the same way cities do fiscal budgets
- Climate Justice: Adoption of systems for centering equity & climate justice in cities’ climate work

Carbon Neutral Districts
Carbon Neutral Districts: Zeroing out emissions in entire neighborhoods across the city