James Hardy
Senior Manager – Energy and Climate Change, Greater London Authority
James Hardy is currently a Senior Manager within the Greater London Authority Environment Unit, directing the Mayor’s flagship Energy for Londoners programme, comprising of energy efficiency, fuel poverty and solar delivery, and the establishment of an energy supply company for London. James previously worked for the UK Government for over a decade as a senior strategist on energy and climate change and played a pivotal role in developing the Department of Energy and Climate Change’s first overarching strategies (notably, the Low Carbon Transition Plan in 2009 and Carbon Plan in 2011). He also led on national heat and clean coal policy and was involved in the development of the UK’s award-winning 2050 Energy Pathways Calculator. From 2012, James was the Head of Strategy within the International Climate Change Directorate and UK delegation to the UNFCCC. Between 2006 and 2008 James was a senior policy manager in the team that devised the UK Climate Change Act and he led on the creation of UK’s Committee on Climate Change. James is also an ad-hoc adviser on sustainability to several UK-based organisations.